I'm still playing catch up!
Here is her 12 month post... not bad she won't even be 13 months for 4 more days! This may be a record. haha.
So her 12 month was from September 8th-October 8th 2013
9/10- She started standing on her own and loved it
9/12- took a few steps on her own
-Learned she is terrified of balloons or any other inflatable for that matter, therefore there were none at her party!
-Loves baby dolls, books, blocks, balls, and cars
-she's hilarious and can be such a ham sometimes
-she may or may not be developing a strong will....
-can make a doggy sound, monkey sound and sign all-done
-can play itsy bitsy spider, patty cake, high-five, wo pig and touchdown
-made the complete switch to whole milk! woohoo for no more formula!
-still loves her bottles though, even asks for them!
-went to several pumpkin patches and enjoyed them a ton. side note: she calls pumpkins: bubbas. She knows exactly whatI mean when i say go get you pumpkin then she shows me a says, bubba? :)
-10/7- began cutting 4 back molars. that was fun.
-started fully walking 1 week after her birthday!
-weighs 18lbs. 5oz 28in long
photo credit: www.mauradawnphotography.com

We have way too much fun with this kiddo! We like to tell people we special ordered her, which we kind of did. I got really emotional cleaning out all her of her little summer clothes the other day as its getting chilly here in Northwest Arkansas. Marc and I are overwhelmed with how the Lord has blessed us with her. It literally brings tears to our eyes most days when we think about our little miracle.
I can't believe she's one!