
Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Soo I know its's been awhile and I have written this post in my head a TON I just haven't sat down long enough to write it all out. We have entered in the stage of ... "soo when is baby #2 coming?".... blah, blah, blah. You know the usual- which is totally fine for most people to be asked that. BUT when you have been through infertility and get your miracle baby, that does not mean it just goes away. I know people think sometimes it does, and for some it may be easier the next time around but for most it doesn't just disappear. The 2nd time around is different. For there is less pressure, but lets be honest, if you are wanting and praying for a baby that you are unsure can ever happen again b/c it took years and lots drugs, it can be tough to swallow to want to put yourself through that again.
We have 1 last shot for baby #2. We have 1 frozen baby left. We will not do ivf again- 1, its too expensive. 2- we don't feel like we should. 3- 1 & 2 should be good enough :)
 Anyways... I DO really want a sibling for Maren however; I do NOT want to enter in the "dark times" again. They were really tough, I was not in a good, healthy or happy place. We have been so incredibly thankful for our sweet gift and we begged God for her and for that we are forever grateful to God for her life. I always said I would be okay with one child and I will! I know God will get me there if that is His will. I just haven't been ready to face this fortunate "fear" so I've been putting it off to stay in my happy place.

So that is my update for now! I will definitely start updating more as we start thinking about baby #2 and our 2nd journey!


waiting and wishing said...

Excited for you!

Sarah DeClerk said...

Good luck on journey number two! I know yalls family is blessed either way! Love keeping up with you through your blog and instagram- Maren is so precious and seems like such a joy!

michelle said...

Awww, I wish external pressure like that didn't exist. God has a plan and His timing is perfect. I would wish we could all rest in that. :) Bless you for sharing your heart! May God give you peace as he guides you on your journey! Love following your blog...from another Michelle across the country.